Archive by Author

More Stellar Reviews for ‘HERETIC’!

15 Nov

HERETIC Stills by LD (7)The Theatre Reader says: “Powerful  …  A winning one-woman show  …  Thorpe shine[s]. She brilliantly slips out of Joan’s skin and into a slew of others.  …  Thorpe’s talent extends beyond the stage and onto the page. Her exploration of Joan humanizes the saint as the audience feels her fear and fierceness throughout her quest to fulfill God’s word.” Read the full review here.

Life with More Cowbell says: “Poignant  …  Thorpe does a lovely job with the many facets of Joan, an earnest, driven young woman who dares to put on men’s clothes and throw herself into the fray – always with Joan’s humanity at the core of her performance.” Read the full review here.

Mooney on Theatre and Barcza Blog Love ‘HERETIC’!

14 Nov

HERETIC Stills by LD (8)More praise from Toronto press!

Barcza Blog says: “Brilliant  …  Inspired  …  Thorpe has brought this story back from the dead  …  HERETIC tells a story I’ve known all my life, but in a genuinely new version.  …  If for no other reason than to struggle with the meaty ideas in this story, you owe it to yourself to see HERETIC.” Read the full review here.

Mooney on Theatre says: “A mesmerizing one-woman show  …  It’s a lot of fun to watch Thorpe throw so much of herself into her performance.  …  What stands out the most about the story of Joan of Arc is simply this young woman’s defiance and willingness to stand up for what she believed in during a time when that stood in direct opposition of the church. What Joan of Arc represented is timeless and Thorpe does fine work capturing this.  …  The use of sound and lighting made the small space come to life and I have to hand it to lighting designer Randy Lee and sound designers Wesley McKenzie and Jakob Ehman for giving life to the space.” Read the full review here. gives ‘HERETIC’ Four Stars!

13 Nov

HERETIC Stills by LD (5)The always thoughtful and constructive Christopher Hoile of gives HERETIC  FOUR STARS (★★★★) and says this:

“Thorpe’s retelling of the story of Joan of Arc makes this iconic figure, already the subject of numerous plays and films, seem fresh and new.  One major reason is the absolute simplicity of the production.  Another is the winning naturalness of Thorpe’s acting.  …  Thorpe shows us Joan is a human being, capable of fear and doubt, but she also shows us Joan an is illuminated from within by her goal.  …  Thorpe gives an eloquent performance that rises to enacting energetic battles that range throughout the entire theatre to solemn reflection on whether she is really guilty of pride and why men should suddenly be so cruel.  It’s quite a journey for play only 70 minutes long, but you will leave feeling that you know this important figure better than you ever have before.  …  Lighting designer Randy Lee and sound designer Wesley McKenzie combine forces to create the magical effect of Joan’s first vision.  Lee makes imaginative use of warmth and coldness of light to reflect Joan’s mood and of squares of light diminishing in size and brightness to portray her inevitable defeat at her trial.”

Read the full review here!

Stunning shots of a “Stunning Show”

12 Nov

Many thanks to Laura Dittmann of LD Photo & Video for these gorgeous production shots of HERETIC! Please take a moment to check out Laura’s other wonderful work!


More insightful interviews with Sarah Thorpe!

12 Nov

SarahThorpe (4) - for webWant to know more about the writer/performer of HERETIC, and about the creative process behind this ambitious one-person show? In the Green Room and Radio Regent were kind enough to sit down with Sarah Thorpe to talk shop (and art, and life). You can read In the Green Room’s interview here, and Radio Regent’s interview here.



Ten Questions with Sarah Thorpe

2 Nov

SarahThorpe (4) - for webBarzca Blog sat down with HERETIC writer/performer Sarah Thorpe recently to ask her about her creative inspiration, the ups and downs of being an independent artist, and even what her favourite guilty pleasure on TV is (hint: it’s from across the pond). Check out this insightful interview here!



Heretic is Back!

12 Oct

Heretic SquareSoup Can Theatre is excited to announce the return of HERETIC; a modern theatrical retelling of the story of Joan of Arc from Soup Can’s own Sarah Thorpe (Love is a Poverty You Can Sell, Marat/Sade, No Exit). After our critically-acclaimed workshop production in April 2015, HERETIC has been further revised and developed, and Thorpe will once again take to the stage to bring one of history’s most compelling and emblematic characters to life in a new and expanded production that will run from November 11th to 22nd at the historic Theatre Passe Muraille backspace.

HERETIC illuminates this iconic character in a fresh new light by presenting Joan not as a religious saint or zealot, but as a complex and headstrong yet fallible young woman who dared to declare herself an equal, challenged the patriarchal power structure of the time, and remained unwavering in her principles despite the ultimate consequences.

Use the navigation bar above for more information and details!

The Theatre Reader calls Heretic “Stunning”!

12 Apr

Another great review, this time from The Theatre Reader:

A stunning one-woman show that picks your brain.  …  Heretic, directed by Matt Bernard, is a 50-minute one-woman show, tastefully scripted with feminine insight. Sarah Thorpe skillfully blends history with artistic interpretation in her portrayal of the emotionally gritty teenage Joan of Arc.  …  The script lends credence to broader questions of faith and patience in the human retelling of a brave 19-year-old girl who died for her country.   …  Audience members are captivated.

Read the full review here.

Don’t miss our final two performances! Today at 2pm and 8pm. Tickets available here, or in person at the venue.

First Review! Heretic is ‘Bold’, ‘Thoughtful’, ‘Compelling’

9 Apr

The first review for Heretic is up! Veteran critic and prolific theatre-goer, Lynn Slotkin of the, had this to say about the show:

Bravo to creator/actor Sarah Thorpe for setting herself the challenge.  …  Thorpe’s playing of Joan is compelling.  …  An agile performance  …  Thorpe is ably guided by director Matt Bernard who has a delicate but sure hand.  …  Scenographer, Claire Hill does wonders with a tight design budget. She has created the world of France for Joan.  …  This gritty, thoughtful, well done production is one of the many reasons I love indie theatre, and certainly the work of the feisty Soup Can Theatre Company adds to that feeling. Heretic is well worth a visit during this very short run.

Read the full review here!

Heretic is Here!

8 Apr

The set is dressed, the props and costumes are arranged backstage, and the sandwich board is out. Heretic – a bold theatrical retelling of the story of Joan of Arc from acclaimed actor/director Sarah Thorpe – opens tonight! If you just can’t wait for a taste of what’s in store, here are the production photos hot off the presses from last night’s dress rehearsal! Also, Sarah recently sat down with the editors of Theatromania to talk about the joys and challenges of creating Heretic. If you’d like to read this insightful Q and A for yourself, head over here.

See you at the show!